In simple words, Free PDF to All Converter can be said as a one-stop solution that can help you convert different file formats such as text, e-books, graphics, sound and many others. This makes PDF files perfect for sending as files over the internet. PDF is a Portable Document Format, which is commonly used for sharing documents over the internet. It can also be used to convert audio books into text. Aplikasi ini sangat ringan dan fungsinya sangat bermanfaat untuk sobat, dalam menyelesaikan beberapa masalah dalam kaitannya dengan file PDF, WORD, JPG dll. Sebuah aplikasi yang memiliki fungsi sebagai alat untuk memodifikasi file menjadi PDF begitu juga sebaliknya. One of the unique features of Free PDF to All Converter is that it can convert text, html, e-books and audio books into PDF format. Download Aplikasi Converter PDF : Solid Converter PDF. After the download is complete, you can then test the functionality of the product to see whether it is compatible with your system. Extracting embedded text is a common feature, but other applications perform optical character recognition (OCR) to convert imaged text to machine-readable form. To download a free trial version of Free PDF to All Converter from the company website, go to Free PDF to All Converter website, choose the product you want, and download it. There are several companies who offer free PDF to All Converter downloads. You can also download and try the trial version for 30 days to see whether Free PDF to All Converter is suitable for your purpose. Select "Create" and a wizard will appear on the screen. You just need to open the file you want to convert and select "PDF" from the drop-down menu. Free PDF to All Converter is software that can help you to convert PDF files into any other document format, such as Word, Excel or Power Point.