It IS NOT possible to achieve SUCCESS in the eyes of those who truly understand success while continuing to exhibit and foster FAILURE. It IS NOT possible to be RESPECTED by those who truly garner respect in the presence of these afflictions

It IS NOT possible to EVER achieve our MAXIMUM EFFECTIVENESS or recognize our FULL POTENTIAL while these types of shortcomings are left unchecked. It IS possible to PROSPER because of these shortcomings and even sometimes be RECOGNIZED or REWARDED for our abhorrent behavior. It IS possible to FUNCTION despite our shortcomings, no matter how egregious. I’ve learned these lessons from my career and life: Your presence alone would have revealed his true nature. Straver imagined, wrote, directed and donned the mantel of starring role in this dumpster fire. It's difficult to watch a creator actively sabotage their own greatest creation. Your contribution to the engagement with your offenders was essentially flawless, and your response to the public abuse (bullying, even) you endured was more than restrained. As such, these "hemorrhoidic" agents are gestated and fostered deep in the bowels of an organization.generally Tech Support or Headquarters.case in point. These calamitous and caustic personalities are the omnipresent and expected results of a most unholy recipe.equal parts "unchecked ego" and (even slightly) above-average acumen in a given subject.curated in the shadow of a negligent, unqualified and ill-equipped leadership team. These individuals epitomize the concept of being one's own greatest impediment and serve as proof that "rock bottom" truly can accommodate a basement. I'm left awestruck by their pedantic, capricious and (down-right) puerile approach to even the most elementary concepts of human interaction.not to mention the complete absence of such fundamental competencies as professionalism, communication, customer service, basic decency and.maybe even current possession of one's soul? The absence of even a scintilla of civility exhibited by representatives of this company and its associated products (in no less than EVERY sentence of the exchange) is eclipsed only by the astigmatic and engendered nature of the communication itself. Straver Moonchild Productions by association. After regaining my composure (from what I've coined a "cringe-stroke"), I find myself compelled to immediately issue a most sincere and heartfelt apology (by proxy), justly demanded by the wildly inappropriate and woefully inexcusable manner in which you and many others were publicly and unfairly castigated by u/wolfbeast (self-identified as M.C. The intensity of the schadenfreude I experienced while reading the commentary was so.exquisite.that I was inspired to add my own musings on the topic. I was researching the PM browser when I stumbled upon this thread, your comment and the discussion link you subsequently posted.