In that mode, links correctly call up Pale Moon. In Mailwasher Pro (MWP), as a security measure HTML code is automatically stripped from emails for previewing in plain text. Okay, I was able to reproduce the problem again. I have the following still set to Internet Explorer: If you go to Control Panel > Default Programs > Associate a file type or protocol with a program, sort by Current Default, and scroll down, do you still see several file types/extensions set for IE? So I told W10 to once again, set all defaults to PM, but again, some remained for IE. That's when I found several defaults were indeed still set to Internet Explorer. Thinking MailWasher was coded wrong, I was going to post this issue over at FireTrust (MailWasher's parent site and support forum) when I decided to check one last time, the default settings in Windows 10. :huh: Why would the program open the "default" browser in one preview, but a non-default browser in another? :huh: This made me think the problem was with the way MailWasher Pro renders (if the right word) messages in its separate preview pane but the same links in MailWasher's normal preview pane open fine in Pale Moon so I don't understand why it would be different. If I click on a link in Outlook, my desktop, Word, or anywhere else, the page opens in Pale Moon like it should. Yet when I open a separate preview window of an email in MailWasher Pro (my spam blocker) and click on a link in the email message, the webpage opens with Internet Explorer. I have set in Windows 10, Pale Moon to be my default browser. I think there is a bug somewhere, just not sure where, so I am starting here first so I can gather some more information and insight before posting on the Pale Moon forums, or the MailWasher forums. Note, this is for users who have Pale Moon as their default browser - but curious about Chrome, Edge and FF users too.